December 19th 2020

December 19th 2020


daily life
journaly updates

Today I feel more optimistic. (Can I say "pretty optimistic"?)

It's like someone inject me a few of hope.

I was talking with my Japanese friend again. He is visting my country but he is in a different state, so we haven't met in person yet.

It's really cool to meet a foreigner person who loves my country.

Five years ago, I lived with a girl from USA. She loved my country too, specially it food.

I had the oportunity to learn a little bit English but the priority was to teach her Spanish. So inside our house, we talked in English and on the street, we talked only in Spanish. It was really fun and challenging.

I wish I can live with other foreigner in order to teach her my native tongue and learn her language.

I was thinking I wish more woman friends (Can I say "girlfriends in this case?) and if they are interested in language learning it will be better! . Sometimes I feel lonely on this trip.

I can talk easily with boys, but I don't know why it's hard for me to make woman friends.

Anyway, language learning is fun!