The Days I Will Never Forget (part 1)

The Days I Will Never Forget (part 1)



This happened one weekends last summer. I was sitting alone at home not knowing what to do. My mind was wandering and I was feeling a bit down. All of a sudden, I got a message from a friend of mine. It read, "I’m having a wonderful time here on the Yalta coast, why don`t you join me?" The thing is that Yalta is about 930 miles from where I was at the time. I’m the kind of person who is game for anything (here I wanted to say that I’m the kind of person who can make spur-of-the-moment decisions, on the spot, but couldn`t find the right words) so I made up my mind in a fraction of a second, bought a plane ticket that same day and flew there the next day…

Headline image by prox on Unsplash