Why am I reading Murakami?

Why am I reading Murakami?



About six years ago I read almost everything, which Murakami has written at that moment. I started in 2014 and insatiably read book after book. I had such a delightful time during reading his novels. Mostly I was reading quickly (in my native translation), consuming an enormous amount of pages every week, but sometimes slowed down and enjoyed every sentence unhurriedly.

I remember, how I immersed myself in a world of Murakami. His language is relatively simple (I could read effortlessly), but deep and tremendously attractive. Every story has an intrigue, so you never know how thing will play out. After finishing you still feel think like "What the heck it does mean?", but you are not disappointed. Vice versa - you are very pleased. During the reading I was forgetting about everything and kind of dissolved in his stories.

When in in 2018 I moved to Poland and after a while reached a decent level of Polish, I bought a book "Men Without Women". To my surprise, I could quite comfortably read her. Even though I didn't understand some words, I was often able to guess. I literally felt the language of Murakami, his style and his way of thinking.

A few months ago I got a book "Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage" in English translation, which I already read in 2015. And now I am experiencing the same feelings, that I had with polish one "Men Without Women". That's amazing! How useful Murakami books became for me, so many benefits!