How I study English

How I study English


daily life

Hi guys!

Today I want to tell you, how I study English.

I study English every day for about 4 hours. In the morning I watch 2 or 3 videos such as a class on Youtube, I take some notes and repeat what they said too. Then I read for about 1 hour take more notes again on the new words that I find, then I listen to a podcast or music. At night I watch a series on Netflix called Schitt's Creek. it's very funny. I love David, Alexis, and Stevie! They are my favorite characters.

There are days where I feel that I study a lot and I don't advance. I feel ashamed to speak because I think people will not understand me and laugh. I know that thinking this way is silly :(.

I have to believe more in myself and my skills.

Does anyone here think that too? or have you been thinking like that sometimes?