I came back to productively procrastinate

I came back to productively procrastinate


language learning
daily life

It has been a long time since I was here; I reckon over a year. When this website started I was so excited about it and to practice my writing, however, I didn't find the time to practise enough. Now, I'm doing this little effort to catch up we all the wonderful people that are part of this learning community. Seeing your posts really motivates me to keep on with writing, and maybe finally try to write something in the languages I feel less comfortable with...

So, English as you might see is one of my target languages, since I study it at university I write quite often in it. Although, I have regular practice in it, a little more will never be harmful. I must confess though that more than consciously writing this post I am sort of procrastinating because I have a lot of stuff to do that I don't want to, especially because it is a rainy day and quite cold.

What do you like to do when you don't want to do anything? I like writing and reading, but somehow I feel that if a read a book right now it will be less productive than practising my writing skills. Sorry for all this random reflection, but I promise you that if in the future I find my motivation and start being more constant with my writing I will begin to write about books or series which are topics that I love, even cats might be something a could write a lot, and I just saw it was within the topic list.

Have a nice day!

p.s: the typewriter sound is amazing, if you haven't tried it you definitely must!