Some and Any Yet

Some and Any Yet



I have a sore big toe. Some woman stepped on my foot this morning as I was walking into a store. I let out a big ouch and looked at her, not with any particular intention, just to see whether she was any good or not, but she just made some kind of apologetic grimace and walked away.

I was expecting something more... audible, let's say, a simple "sorry" or some other kind of apology. Just any kind would've done. It's not like I wanted to make a scene by whining or crying, "Oh, my toe! My poor toe!" or anything like that, but I was expecting some sort of response, just any kind of reaction any normal person would have.

Are there any of those people left? Am I anything like that? Have a ever stepped on someone and then skedaddled? I don't remember any, although I do remember some elderly lady who hit me with her umbrella after I pushed her on the bus. I didn't mean to, but she was so angry that any attempt to apologize wouldn't have done any good. I did at least tell her, "If you have any problems, just call me," but I didn't give her any of my phone numbers, so I guess that doesn't count. I don't blame her—any cranky, rude, mean person could've made a mistake like that. Anyway, I'm going to check the Yellow Pages to see if there are any specialists in toe therapy. I'm going to need one at this rate.