JJOA's Video Games Life!

JJOA's Video Games Life!


video games

I remember back when I used to think that gamer was spelled like "gaymer," because of a youtuber that I followed. Nice guy, I don't watch him anymore but his content was amazing, I loved watching his Minecraft and Garry's mod videos. I believe I've watched all of his and his friends' videos of Garry's mod three times each. I laughed every time as if it were the first time. I'm sure I'd continue watching them if I wasn't studying English, because I decided to stop consuming content in Spanish when I started to study.

I think he is the first youtuber I've ever watched, I found out about him thanks to my brother who showed me a video where he was destroying a castle in Minecraft with TNT. I don't know how old I was back then but I remember that I loved his channel. From him I got my first nickname, "PatoGaymer." Yeah, I know, pretty embarrassing.

After watching a few of his videos, I got an amazing and creative idea, I instantly told it my brother.

"Yo bro, how do I minecraft?"

"No idea, bro."

At that time I didn't know that the youtuber was actually playing on a PC, so I tried to install it on what used to be our tablet. I got the demo that didn't have a hunger bar, had a limited amount of mobs and was empty as hell. But I liked it! My brother and I would play it for hours taking turns by dead. But after a few weeks we got tired of making brick pools and exploring an empty world so we uninstalled it.

And moved on to something better... a Minecraft copy! It was practically Minecraft but the mobs had a different skin and the textures were different. But the whole premise of Minecraft was the same. We used to move on from a copy to another all the time, as soon as we got bored we would uninstall the last one. It continued like this until we got our first Xbox, where we installed the new Minecraft demo. By that time they made a lot of updates so we were impressed by how many things we could do! The problem was that... we could not save the game and we htime limit of 30 minutes. In this time limit I would go around the world destroying villages, exploring temples and building random things. I repeated that same activity over and over again.

And then I installed Minecraft on my dad's laptop (we didn't own a mouse so we used the pad), it was the 1.5.2 version so the online servers were really simple. Each server I had saved was a hunger games match where you needed to wait for the other players to finish before joining in. My skin was a multicolored creeper called Tentrillicon (I still use it sometimes), and it was my main skin until I moved on to Minecraft 1.9.

I made good friends along the way so I'm really happy with the outcome, and it was not only Minecraft, there were a lot of other games, of course. But I wanted to highlight specifically this one because is one of the first games I played and I still play sometimes. It's also the game I recorded in an attempt to become a youtuber when I was ten years old lol. I still have to talk about those failures, but that's for another post.

I noticed the quality and effort I put to my posts have been decreasing recently, not only to my posts but to language learning in general. I'll try to overcome it, believe me. Thanks for reading and correcting, see y'all tomorrow!