JJOA's School Approach!

JJOA's School Approach!



Last year of high school already, that was actually faster than I imagined. I still remember in seventh grade when our principal, a bald old priest who wore glasses came to our classroom. He was known for being strict and ruthless but always with a big smile and calm voice. Only half his body entered to the classroom and said, "don't blink! Because if you do, you'll be already graduating from this school!" Those words have lingered in my mind from that moment. After every school year I successfully pass, I always close my eyes and imagine that I'm that JJOA of the past, and then I open my eyes. I plan to do that in my graduation day.

But for now, let's talk about this hell called last year of high school!

I actually don't know how there are people who think that I'm a good student. I literally don't understand anything when the teacher's giving a lecture, although it's not like I actually care about paying attention. And I always remember the teachers how much I hate their classes! But I feel bad afterwards when a teacher makes a sad expression, though. The point is: I'm an idiot who doesn't understand anything until it is required for me to do so.

In physics class I always start to ponder about what I'll do throughout that day, or what anime I'm gonna watch, you know, the good stuff. The teacher could have explained ten times what a collision is and how they work and I still won't understand, I just don't want to bother my mind with pure garbage. But I'm still passing the subject with the third highest score in the class. Because of that, a few students have thought that I'm a "good student," but the only thing I do is study until morning the day before the exam. I'm just a fucking idiot who knows how to survive.

Oh, fuck. I'll go off on a tangent here for a moment. While I was writing this post, I saw something black pass in the corner of the room, I thought it was just my imagination so I ignored it. But when my mom entered I told her just for saying something, but she answered, "Oh yeah, yesterday your brother saw a cockroach in your room." I turned my face to her in surprise, and calmly said, "YO WTF REALLY?" I quickly left the room and stayed in the living room for a while. I was really shocked about the fact that I had spent the whole day in my bedroom with a cockroach. Later, my dad entered and kicked the cockroach out of the house.

Now let's continue from where I'd left off.

Proof of this can be seen when the teacher does a surprise quiz, or when they assign a presentation for that same day. At least, now I don't fear speaking in public as I did before. I can comfortably give speeches to my class even if I'm talking nonsense. I remember back when I would fake writing something on my notebook when the teacher was looking for the next student to present. And the funny thing is that it always worked! I would only be chosen to go next when they were picking by the students list.

My daily routine in the school is something like:

I arrive ten minutes late to class because the water of the shower was too cold, I explain to the teacher why the traffic was at fault, and I sit on my chair. I look at the Heisenberg drawing someone made with a permanent marker on my desk and I lean my chair against the wall of the classroom. I wait for the teachers to finish talking about whatever they're talking about and then it's break time!