JJOA's Night Competition and What a Cozy Room!

JJOA's Night Competition and What a Cozy Room!


tv series

This is one of those times where I'm writing something and I suddenly stop feeling it, so this is my third attempt, in this post I'll be doing kind of a mix of two that are related. But I want to save the titles of the previous attempts just in case I need them in the future: "JJOA's Language Learning Progress," and "JJOA's Youtuber Failures."

Before writing a post, I look for interesting memories, dreams, ideas, etc. So it makes me sad to realize that big part of those "interesting memories" come from the same good-for-nothing beautiful vacation. But it is what it is, right? I promise I'll replicate this vacation in the future, believe in me! So today's post will be about a competition I used to have with a friend, where the winner would be whoever stays up the longest. In this post I'll omit general information that was already given on the previous post.

Before talking about the competition, let's see its consequences on my daily life.

I would wake up in my brother's room, why? Because it was the darkest one during the day, this way my eyes wouldn't hurt after waking up. I would wake up at 2:00 or 3:00pm, I believe. If it was weekend I wouldn't eat breakfast, I'd go straight to the lunch, but If it was a week day I would have to make breakfast myself (fried eggs and bread!).

I used to fetch the food to that dark bedroom, where I would place a fan pointing directly at my face and eat on that untidy bed while watching random videos on YouTube. I didn't have any close friends and I didn't used to do any physical activity so I would never go out of home, just when my parents forced me to.

I had given up on playing video games, I don't know the reason but suddenly I stopped getting any enjoyment out of them (it got fixed a few months later). I remember at the beginning being despaired because of it, I started installing a big number of different video games. But I'd always get bored of them that same day, ending up with me uninstalling them. So all I used to do everyday was staying in that room watching videos. Until the clock marked 12:00AM! That hour could only mean one thing... anime time!

It was the best time of the day, but also the most dangerous. When my dad woke up at 6:00am and saw me still watching series he would usually say, "You haven't slept? Ma man, you know it bro" (or something like that). But my mom would get pissed as hell and send me to sleep instantly. So I had to avoid making enough noise that could wake up my mom. Considering I live in a small apartment, just getting out of the bedroom and getting food was already a lot of noise (eating chips was hell).

Adjusting my sleep schedule to this routine was hard. I would get tired at 1:00am, so if I wanted to resist the drowsiness I had to come up with a plan. And I did. I discovered the best way to get rid of the tiredness, read carefully. I would do... fucking push ups, squats and crunches. I don't know what about them instantly woke me up, maybe my heart rate, who knows. I would repeat this two or three times throughout the night. Over time, my sleep schedule was adjusted and I didn't need to do them anymore.

What I loved the most about this was seeing how the darkness of the night slowly turned into light, summing up the sound of the insects disappearing and the advent of birds singing. Although, waking up the next day and realizing the series continued while I was asleep was quite funny too. I had to search for the chapter I was in that night.

I'm actually not quite happy with this post, but the other options were talking about my language learning progress or about some funny attempts of being a YouTuber (I should have written about this one, fuck). Thanks for reading and correcting. See y'all tomorrow! At least I already have tomorrow's post planned hehe.