Two Bros Being One

Two Bros Being One



Back when I was around ten years old and my brother 12 or 13 we had a Xbox 360 that we had gotten as a gift in my bro's birthday. For the first months we used to only play in local mode, because we didn't know you could play online. But after we bought Halo Reach and found out that you could play with random people, that was all we'd do the whole day.

At that time we didn't have a microphone, so making friends was a difficult deed. But this ended during a Halo Reach team death match. I suddenly received an invitation to a party (a party is something like a voice chat) by a random guy in my team. I couldn't talk even if I wanted to so I was wavering at the beginning. But I didn't see any reason to decline so I joined. Two guys were talking; both seemed to be a bit older than me, maybe around the age of my brother. I only listened to their conversation, but it's not like I got invited by accident, they knew I was there, they even talked to me. So I decided to type messages to have some kind of conversation with them, but typing on the Xbox was too slow so I would only type for important reasons.

After that match they asked me if I wanted to keep playing with them before sending a friend request . I was happy, I had finally made a few friends on the Xbox! I quickly explained everything to my brother, so he could play with them as well. We started playing almost everyday, always to the same game. We even met two other siblings of our same age. They had two consoles so they could play at the same time. Now we were a group of six. They thought we were only five, though. My brother and I hadn't told them that we were two different people on the same account.

A year passed, and some new people appeared in our group, but they weren't as active as the first six. We created a clan in the game called "UNSC", an acronym for "Unidad N Spartan y Covenant" (I can't remember what the N stands for), and our logo was a shield with an eagle in the middle. As a group we used to play only funny maps, we had stopped playing serious some time ago, although we played serious as hell in a map two of us had created that was a bit popular.

For a year and a half all we did was playing to the same game. There were a few fights between two of us, but nothing serious. One of them almost lost his girlfriend due to a misunderstanding of one message I sent lol. I remind you that all of them had microphones, and my brother and me were the only ones who had to message them. But even if we had this little inconvenient we never felt left behind.

After some time my brother and I decided to tell them that we were actually two different people.

Some months later we started playing some other games and stopped playing as regularly as before, some of us (including me and my bro) couldn't play online anymore because of the membership. So all we had left was talking. In this hard time we finally got our mic. So we sent an audio to the leader of the clan (and our best friend) greeting him as two different persons. We received an audio back with him shouting with happiness.

But we got more and more separated with the time. The last time I talked to him in voice I was playing left 4 dead 2 and he was playing Far cry 4, we were having a boring conversation to be honest, at this point we only talked to maintain the friendship. But a few days later he sent us a message saying he was going to sell his Xbox. He made us leader of a clan no longer existed. And with the time all the former members of the clan disappeared.

I had a really good time, I'll try to keep them in my memory as long as I can.

Thanks Adornebirch, xDestroyer, Juan and Panchito.