JJOA's Fears...

JJOA's Fears...



Before starting to write this post I was thinking about one called "Thoughts about classes beginning again." I discarded the idea though, I think I've already made clear how much I hate highschool. But maybe it will be mentioned a few times here (it wasn't lol). So today's post will be about things I remember have feared throughout my whole life! A few will be stupid an others serious. Let's get started then!

My oldest memory is back when I was 5 years old I believe. I was walking outside with my mom in an unknown neighborhood, everything was going great. But a dog started barking at us. I liked dogs so I didn't fear anything, even when the dog started approaching me. The next thing I remember is my mom buying me a candy because I couldn't stop crying from the pain I had on one of my buttocks. The dog not only tore my pants but also left a mark on my cheeks. I was afraid of dogs after that experience, I was frightened of even my own dog, it didn't last much though.

This one is a bit different, because I wasn't the one who got hurt, but the one who hurt. I used to play with my brother fighting, we would just start fighting over the most little things like the TV controller. Other times we would fight in the pool, for the PC, and sometimes one of us would just randomly hit the other to start a fight. I was around eight years old and he was ten so our fights weren't actually serious.

So my brother was watching "Penguins of Madagascar" while eating scrambled eggs. I just stood there waiting for him to finish his food, talking or just watching the TV with him, I wanted to play! When he finally finished his food I said, "Yo bro," and when he turned to look at me I threw a quick blow directly to his face.

He went to our mom who was in the adjacent room, he was bleeding from his cheek. I just stood there paralyzed in my bedroom while listening to their conversation in the other room, "You're bleeding! Let me bring you alcohol and cotton!" A few seconds later, I heard a strong sound like if something had fallen. But I really didn't pay attention to it at that time. It turns out that my brother had fainted and hit his head against the floor. We brought him to the hospital where we stayed a few nights waiting while they were checking if everything was fine. Naturally I was afraid of fights after that.

And the last one... This will sound like a joke but it actually did terrify me for a long time. A fucking draw of a monkey. My mom used to read me a lot of books, the ones I can still remember were about sexual education, children stories and horror stories. But there was a particular book that made me bawl everytime I reached a certain page. It was about a gorilla who could communicate through sign language. Everything about the book was fine until a point where the gorilla gets angry and the following pages are red with the gorilla destroying his TV. I had to skip those pages in order to get through the book without crying. A few months after that I decided that I had to overcome this fear so I forced myself multiple times to read the whole book.

That's all for now, thanks for reading and correcting. See ya tomorrow!