JJOA'S Singing Life!!!!!

JJOA'S Singing Life!!!!!



JJOA: Indeed, I've sung in [insert important auditorium of my city].

Random: WHAAAAAAAAAAAT??? Are you good at singing?

JJOA: I wish.

Welcome y'all. Today's post will be about how I managed to sing in front of hundreds of people without actually singing! This story happened when I was still in middle school!

I've always been a guy with a high-pitched voice (specially some years ago), it caused me problems when playing online games because I'd always come across mean people who made fun of my voice lol, but that's another topic. The music teacher after just hearing me speak saw a great potential in me, so without even asking she put me in the chorus group. It was a group of about 20 students, half male and half female, and I with a friend were the youngest there. I didn't even know what I was doing in a place like this, I hadn't sung anything before; I think I only stayed because of my friend. The teacher divided the group by sex, the guys were going to sing the deep parts and the girls the high pitched parts. I went to my respective place, but the teacher said "No, not you. You are with the girls." The other boys laughed and I was a bit ashamed but at least I would be with my friend, right?

We started practicing the song that goes "Mamaaaa I killed a man", but I never learned it. It felt amazing, they would take us out of class to go to practice. It was like if we were some elite group of something, "JJOA and L please come to the music classroom". Hearing those words filled me with joy and all my friends with envy, I had the privilege of skipping classes without any punishment while they had to suck hours of boring lectures. But I actually never sang, I didn't even know the lyrics of the song! I would just move my lips or sing really low and without emotion that it could be considered just speaking. My friend noticed and said "You sing really bad", I just joked off her opinion. That's how I survived there for a month, I believe.

When we were going to stage I wasn't even nervous, I'd say I wasn't even thinking about the performance at the moment. But I must say I felt as an impostor. We organised with all the girls in the front and all the boys in the back. But as I said earlier I was in the girls' group, so it was a whole row of girls with a random boy in it (even more reason for feeling like an impostor.) While they all were learning how to sing I was learning how to pretend so I got a lot of confidence that nobody would notice, but again my friend remarked the fact that I didn't know how to sing, I just ignored it. My mom was really happy that day. Normally you would think that I didn't tell her what I actually did... I told her lol. She didn't believe me tho.

The chorus group would do other performances singing some religious songs. I participated in all of them; I just wanted to skip classes. My acting was going perfect until the teacher did a singing practice in the regular music class. She started checking the singing ability of each student individually. My friends whispered to me, "show us how well you can sing" with an evil and joking tone. I was shitting myself.

My turn arrived, I thought I was going to sing bad and fail.. but something unexpected happened. I didn't sing bad, I sang like shit and failed. Of course my friends laughed, and I did as well ngl. I never was invited to chorus again.

That's today's post, thank y'all for reading and correcting my mistakes! See ya tomorrow