A lack of ideas?

A lack of ideas?


language learning

It has not happened to you that you are sitting comfortable in you bedroom or living room, with nice and relaxing music, full of motivation, ready to start writing a post. And then when you put your fingers over the keypad you can't write a single and reasonable sentence. Well that's normal, in fact it has a name: Writer's block

According to Wikipedia is a condition, primarily associated with writing, in which an author loses the ability to produce new work or experiences a creative slowdown. This loss of ability to write and produce new work is not a result of commitment problems or the lack of writing skills.

Evidently I'm not an expert in this topic but I've been doing some of research and a commom mistake is to pushing yourself too hard with unrealistic goals. Yes, it's necessary to be consistent... But take the time to clear your mind and re-organized your ideas too.

If the ideas don't come to you then check another's work. Check out a newspaper or magazine article or an Journaly post. Then re-write it but this time use your habilities to generate a story from a new personal angle. It's not about copying, the idea here is refresh your brain and allow it to break free from those chains that bind him to the incapacity to start by himself.

This is only my humble opinion and I'm sure you have and excellent ideas about how to fight agains this incapacity, let me know below in the comments sections please. ♥