Help! [language learning]

Help! [language learning]


language learning

My language learning story in a few lines

Hi! I imagine the majority of you who are reading this already know me, if you don't, hello, I'm nori :) A fellow journaler who's been here for quite a long time, always going and coming back, never truly leaving this platform. I've been "actively" studying English since February, 2021. Yeah, the beginning of the whole quarantine thing. That was indeed a pretty tough year for most people, but also a turning point for many others. While we were in the dark many of us had enough time to deal with sides of ourselves that we hadn't even known they existed till that moment. And this was actually good for me. So, I've learned English, in fact, I became an English tutor! However...

This is where I need help...

Well, I want to give my students and myself my absolute best. I want to go back to my old momentum, as it has been some time since I have studied English actively. The thing is, I'm most likely at B2 level right now, maybe, and a big maybe, at C1 in some aspects, but I doubt it. But I still see so many points I want to work on, listening for example, my listening skills really need some attention! Though I can understand most of what people say on many videos on YouTube, maybe in some TV shows, when it comes to fast-spoken English in TV shows, podcasts, or music, it is kinda "bad". I lack vocabulary related to things like the house, airport, restaurant and more. I really need to improve mostly my listening skills. Most people say "The secret is for you to start living the language more." But the problem is, no method makes me feel excited anymore! Though I love the English language, the teaching, and the learning, it seems to me I can't like studying with any method anymore. I can't find an interesting book, podcast, nor TV show. I feel stuck, I want to improve my English so much, and to feel excited while studying or immersing myself into the language. Like I used to feel, but it just doesn't happen in the same way. Have you guys ever experienced this? I can't find a way to study that I like, nor something to consume that I like...