Electric cars

Electric cars



Think,you are planning to walk early every morning.If the sky seems foggy and dirty every day you wake up,you will probably get annoyed.We all know many environmental problems and pollutions are caused air pollution.To reduce air pollution, we need to control carbon producing rate as much as we can.In developed countries,many people start trying to protect our world from the pollution by using electric cars.The advantages of these cars over internal combustion cars include reduction of air pollution,low maintenance cost and reduction of over reliance on oil.

First of all,electric cars conserve environment not releasing greenhouse gases which are the main causes of environmental pollution like global warming.But the process of manufacturing electric cars can cause the pollution more than that of manufacturing other types of cars.However,the impact of using oil and gas cars has greater environmental impact than that of using electric cars.

Secondly,one of the solutions to the challenges of air pollution and global warming is the manufacture of electric cars.Cars that run on oil products produce carbon monoxide,ozone, hydrocarbons,soot and oxides of nitrogen that pollute the air.And the natural resources that cars are using will run out someday from the world.However electric cars can be charged using alternative energy.

Finally,the electric cars can also reduce noise pollution.The absence of a combustion engine makes an electric cars not to produce noises.

In conclusion,I think that electric cars are good for the environment because they don’t produce long-term pollution and we can easily charge at our home.It’s definitely sure that electric cars will be trending for long and everyone will try to buy these cars in near future.