Things it's make me happy

Things it's make me happy


Hey! This is my first post, I'm learning about the journal :)

I write to ask one thing, what makes you happy?

I wrote a list, these are all things that make me happy.

I'm inviting you to try one of these things!

Wake up and put your feet outside the bed, if you want you can have a fruit or your breakfast. In my case I prefer to have my breakfast after streching class or my yoga routine.

It's super important to do any excercise in the morning, and DON' DRINK COFFE in the firts hour! It's better for you to drink a glass of water firts.

Starting my morning doing yoga or stretching makes me happy.

Some days I have a lot of stress because of my work or bureaucracy. For clearing my mind, I usually ride my bike and I go to the next town (11km), after that I like my body is more relaxed.

I think gratitude is the most power feeling, only one word change everything.

Thanks for readme! And you? Do you start by asking for thinks that make you happy?