The bench man

The bench man



I'm here in front of my laptop trying to figure out how to continue this journey. It has been 4 months since I left my country, I quit my job as an accountant, said good bye to my family and friends. I feel some regret at this point and a little bit worried about the future, I came here with the goal to study journalism focused on sports, and let me tell you that it's been more difficult than I thought, but as an old friend said, "If it were easy, everyone would be able to do it". I know he is right, however, it is tough sometimes to be alone in a foreign country, with no family and friends, with a different weather, trying to get a chance in this rare enviroment.

My dream is to start a YouTube channel so I can share my journey with you, let me know if you are interested about knowing the Argentinian culture from a foreigner's perspective. I would like to do so with the pourpuse of practicing my English , to get feedback and to start learning how to express ideas in front of a camera. Hope to see you soon, here in my blog and in my youtube channel (once this is ready)