Journaly logistics

Journaly logistics


language learning
language exchanges
daily life

Hello fellow aspiring polyglots,

English is my second language, and German my mother tongue. However, I have lived in the US for 22 years and probably have a better grasp on English than on German (Commas are my enemies in both languages, and my level of success is worse in German when it comes to those). So, should I put both languages as native or none?

Another question I have is about following people: I clicked follow on several posts but I am not able to find these people again even though I really want to read what they are writing about. I don't remember their usernames either just what country they are from. Do you know a way of finding the people you followed on Journaly when you want to check in on their posts?

And lastly: Is it ok to write in a different language under a post because you want to enter the conversation even though you do not speak the language of the post well enough to write in that language (yet)?

I would appreciate any info and ideas you have for me.