Lost in Saturn's rings.

Lost in Saturn's rings.




I'm lost in Saturn's rings over 100 million years in a really small planet. Everyday I witness how the ring is raining onto Saturn. Enceladus, one of my neighbor moons, is shooting ice water into space. And the planet continues progressing in its 29.4 year orbit. It seems as usual, but it's not.

In 300 million years we'll see a Saturn with no rings, because It is losing its rings, and all the icy moons are going to be free.

I remember that when I got here, Saturn's rings weren't a thing, and the only planet with rings was Neptune. I come from what used to be Neptune's rings. Since It disappeared, I've been free until Saturn's gravity caught me when I got near.

Now I'm watching how this ends, while I'm lost in Saturn's rings, not being known as the second planet that has life. Waiting for the freedom that I wish to have again.