Better in debt than stressed

Better in debt than stressed


daily life

"Students should take out student loans to avoid working while studying."

I agree with the statement. There are several inconveniences that arise from working and studying at the same time that I think are worse than the inconveniences that arise from having to pay a student loan.

The first of them would be not having enough free time. Working and studying at the same time may have the advantage that you won't have to worry about paying a loan once you enter the professional world, but in my opinion that doesn't compensate for the amount of stress you would have to go through in order to keep up with both things. I think it is important to worry about the future, for example, by trying to avoid debt, but I think it is also important to think about the present and try to enjoy every day. You never know for sure what is going to happen in the future, so I don't think it is ok to sacrifice the enjoyment of the present moment for an uncertain plan for the future. And to achieve a balance between stress and enjoyment, having enough free time is necessary. Spending time with family and friends, being able to put time into one's hobbies and non job related dreams or aspirations; all of that would be considerably more difficult to do if studying and working take up all your time.

The second would be that it would also hinder your learning, and, eventually, diminish your chances of getting a job. By also having to worry about work, you'll inevitably have less energy to study, which will diminish your concentration and ability to retain what you learn. You are already spending a lot of time and money in your education for not trying to get as much as you can out of it. And it could also have a negative impact in your career, if, because of this, your abilities and knowledge end up being worse than those of other people in the field. Because companies will, of course, prefer them, which would make you less likely to get hired.