I am not a great writer

I am not a great writer


daily life

Hello everyone,

I'm here again, not because I love to write, but I want to learn and practice English. I have never liked to write, I am not a great writer, but I am a good speaker.

When I try to remember at least one moment of my life, when I wanted to write, I can't find one.

I can't believe how I was able to write my dissertation in order to graduate from the University.

What I do remember is that I read many books, I walked from library to library, I talked with many people in order to finally do my Dissertation. I was and am proud of that.

Even in my language, I can have so many ideas on my brain, but when I want to reproduce my ideas I can't. I do not know where lies the problem, maybe the problem is, you know when your brain tries to debug all the information that you have and then put it on a sheet.

My brain, I guess I am not sure, my brain tries to say all that he thinks.

But I have told you before, I don't have a problem talking, I can, and I do that well. I don't feel panic or shame.

And how you can see, or should I say, how you can read an interesting story.

Ok bye