My Pet

My Pet



Hi everyone! I'm still practising. Thanks for your feedback.

I love my cat. My dad named him Chinchulín. He's not as big as my other cats, but that's what makes him cuter. He loves being around us, but starts crying if he's alone. The first time we welcomed him into our house, he was really tiny. We all wondered when he would grow up.

As the days went by, he started to grow older, and bigger. But his playful personality remained, and of course, he was still smaller than all my other cats.

One day, he went walking out on the rooftops as usual, but he never came back. We were very worried and started to ask our neighbours if they had seen him. We thought we had lost him forever because it had been almost six days since he left.

Luckily, we were able to find him; he was at my neighbour's house. Apparently, their children had let my cat in. We brought him home and we were really happy, so we spent the rest of the day pampering him. Our cute little cat was finally home.

Due to this experience, we are now more careful and pay even more attention to our cats to make sure they get back home if they decide to go out.