TOEFL writing practice. On whether or not American wood companies are interested in getting ecocertified.

TOEFL writing practice. On whether or not American wood companies are interested in getting ecocertified.



In response to the passage, the lecturer starts by claiming that American wood companies should in fact be interested in getting ecocertified. First, he observes that not all consumers treat advertisement the same, and that they can distinguish between advertisement claims made by the companies themselves and claims made by certification agencies, which means that ecologically minded consumers would indeed pay attention to the certifications. Second, he says that even though price is a concern for the consumer, if there isn't a great difference when compared to the competitor's, then the consumer will make their decision based on other factors; among them, if the product is certified or not. And last, he claims that the wood companies would indeed care about keeping up with the international market because they wouldn't want , by not being certified, to lose consumers interested in ecological certifications to foreign companies who are certified.