Over the garden wall

Over the garden wall


tv series

I came across this cartoon in an unexpected place, reading about the Sumerians on a blog about ancient History. The drawing style captured me at the first glance; maybe because it resemble Adventure Time in a dark/medieval manner. Well, I love Adventure Time and historical stuff, so you do the math. When I found out this series had only 10 episodes, I got even more excited. One of the reasons I prefer watching movies than series nowadays is because it requires less compromise and less risk. Producers usually lose the track of the story trying to extend the series.

Anyway, Over the garden wall definitely doesn't lose the track of anything. Each episode is necessary, and the plot flows smoothly. As a matter of fact, the series ends with that longing you feel when something good comes to an end. Furthermore, the whole thing is like a bittersweet recipe, it puts together different flavors and tastes amazing (if you like bittersweet dishes, of course). The point is the series is dark, but beautiful, it's dense, but light. And finally, the message is so touching, empathic, and poetic that it was impossible for me don't be involved.

Well, I will definitely watch Over the garden wall again, and perhaps again.