Writing Practice Set 4 (Independent) - TOEFL Practice

Writing Practice Set 4 (Independent) - TOEFL Practice


daily life

Prompt: A teacher’s ability to relate well with students is more important than excellent knowledge

of the subject being taught.

Going though school, it is a universal experience to have a teacher that used to get well along with all students. He is usually considered a friend of the class, above being a fountain of knowledge of which the students can drink from. And, in my experience, these type of teachers are not as successful as others. That is because, although the best intentions, they can be seen as too nice by the students, which impacts negatively in the relationship of respect between the two parties. Furthermore, if the teacher is nice, but not able to effectively explain the necessary content to its students, he is not a proper teacher.

Firstly, a relationship between students and a teacher should be of respect. The teachers detain a power that is provenient from the knowledge they have acquired over their academic years. The students are in the classroom to obtain a fraction of the content the professor is trying to explain them. In consequence, the students must have a great amount of respect over their teachers. If a teacher decides to prioritize a sense of relatability with the students instead of respect, he may have negative consequences. For example, if a teacher is seen as nice by the students, they may perceive him as not tough enough. As a consequence, the students might misbehave and think they can get away with it, since the teacher is a friend. With that, the respect is lost, and he will have a hard time to regain it and properly establish communication with the class.

Secondly, a teacher who is nice with the class and always willing to help, but cannot explain the subject well to the students, serves for nothing. An unprepared teacher, who does not have enough knowledge to be in the position he is in, cannot be called a teacher. Before being nice, he must be prepared to do his job. A teacher who is always smiling but not being able to properly answer the students' doubts is much worse than one who the class is not fond of, but who can communicate well their mastered content.

In conclusion, a teacher must have much knowledge of what he is supposed to teach, no matter the relationship with the class. If he is able to explain well the content and prioritizes the respect of the students over any other social aspect, he will be successful, and will positively impact several students with his classes.