My experience on Italki (C)

My experience on Italki (C)


language learning

Last month, I started watching videos on Youtube about how Italki works and the experiences other people have had learning and teaching languages there, and I decided to use it too.

Two weeks ago, I made an account on Italki, and I watched the introduction videos of some tutors, and I read the reviews their students left on their profiles. I did this until I found a tutor who would suit my needs. I ended up booking a lesson with a French woman who is currently living in Canada. I chose her because she seemed very nice and patient and as I just started learning French, someone patient is exactly what I need.

In my first lesson, I wanted to focus on pronunciation starting with the nasal vowels, I let the tutor know in advance that I wanted to practice my pronunciation so she prepared some exercises for the lesson. After the lesson, I immediately booked a second one with her, now I want to practice the pronunciation of "U" and "E" and I would like to read for her the stuff I have posted in French here on Journarly so she can correct my pronunciation.

I will probably book one lesson per week, so, I can practice with my tutor what I'm learning at Alliance française.

Now, I would like to know if someone here has used Italki, and what do you think about it? Do you think it's worth it? How do you choose a topic to practice with your tutor? and finally, do you think you are improving thanks to Italki?