Quality of Native Language decreasing?

Quality of Native Language decreasing?


language learning

So, despite English being my native language, I decided that I would write in it today to pose a question.

Does anybody find that while learning other languages the quality of your native language starts to decrease?

It could just be me.

Recently , since I have been putting a lot more effort into learning Spanish, Irish and Urdu, I have noticed that I tend to get a lot more jumbled up with English. While writing, I will question the most simplest things (such as prepositions) and wonder if my English is even making sense. Undoubtedly, I know how to speak English. I think in English and have spoken it all my life. But now I find myself hesitating sometimes. "How do you say that phrase again? Will it be 'of' or 'for'?"

Does anyone else have this issue as well, or should I get this checked out by a doctor :D ?