My parents got covid!

My parents got covid!


daily life

Yep, it is happening... My parents got covid.

Since March 2020, when the pandemic started we were afraid of getting covid. From that time on we've been using every way of protection: masks, distance, working from home as much as posible, hand sanitizer, washing hands more often, doing our groceries from internet, etc.

They are 75 and 66, and my mom has some health problems that puts her on the comorbidity risk list.

Although I'm always near them, this time was different.

In November 2020 I moved, so we couldn't see each other that much.

I was concerned about them because they are a little lapse in some things and my dad is a rebel old man. It's tough to make him stay inside.

Happily in 2021 they've received two doses of the vaccine, so it made me feel better. I insisted that they get their third dose, but they were deceived by whatsapp's conspiracy theories about vaccines causing deaths and diseases.

So, a couple days ago they sent me some exams saying that they've got omicron variant. At first I froze. Their symptoms were high fever, sore throat, body ache and lethargy.

Once they were too ill to do the basics I started going there (just to their front door) with some tasty meals I prepared. I felt very happy to help. They are slowly improving and they may recover in a few days...

Wish us luck!