The power of extensive reading

The power of extensive reading


language learning

I recently watched Teacher Arguelles's video about extensive reading and I have gotten so impressed with his arguments about that subject. The role that reading accomplishes in our process of learning a new language is incredible. Here are two points showed up by Teacher Arguelles:

* Reading out loud. Doing this helped me a lot with my pronunciation and even in grabbing the meaning of the words. I started this with the book Jude: the obscure by Thomas Hardy. It's an amazing novel e certainly is a great book for a book club discussion!

* Reading preferentially as much as you can books of the same writer. It turns that a writer usually uses the same words repeatedly, so that helps us reading the same words many times. For me, is better than using flashcards or any other system of spaced repetition. And of course, I can choose a subject that grabs my attention. I have begun this kind of reading with The Fall of Giants by Ken Follet, because is a trilogy.

In this lecture, Arguelles speaks much more about this topic. I really recommend you watching.