Goals for 2022

Goals for 2022


daily life

I only read one book and a half on three that I was suppose to read. I know it could seems like an excuse but I was sooo busy on work and at home that I lost my motivation. I even stopped studying french, my second foreign language... Christmas is always a critical moment for me, I love the light, the music, the atmosphere, but i hate the run for gifts, the amount of people out on the streets. This stress me a lot and I can't enjoy the Christmas vibration, but first of all I miss those who are no longer here with us, it's always a sad period. I do prefere the New Year's Day. I imagine it as a new beginning, a magical day full of potential and I usually spend it planning my new bullet journal and starting new habits that will be part of my life for two or three months (don't laugh! Who has good habits that last longer?) But it's ok, it's always good to have new goals, it makes me feel alive and it seems I can do everything I want.

Now my question is: what are your goals for 2022? Mine are:

- a new language (try again with French or Spanish or Portuguese?)

- declutter and reorder all the stuff on my PC and smartphone 😣 a hard work!!!

- to read at least 6 book in a foreign language

But for now have a good holidays and stay safe!