The last Sunday of 2021

The last Sunday of 2021


daily life

How was your day? - I hope you are doing great.

I know this is a difficult year because of the Covid-19 pandemic. In my country, we have just gone through the 4th Covid wave since May 2021 and it's still going on. But it's getting so much better now because the rate of people getting vaccinated has been increasing incrementally.

We are very grateful to the people whoever invented the Covid-19 vaccine, which increases antibodies and makes the symptoms less severe for those who are infected. However, there are some exceptions.

The lesson here is that we cannot anticipate everything which may happen in the future, but we can put some plan Bs (contingency plans) in place.

So I hope that the coming year brings you peace and prosperity.

Love you so much. 🥰🥰🥰