My English lessons focused on Digital Marketing

My English lessons focused on Digital Marketing



Hello, everyone! In this post, I would like to talk about why I'm learning English, but a kind of English focused on the Digital Marketing industry. The thing is that I have a Masters degree in Digital Marketing and in this field, English is kind of a must when it comes to finding a job. I'm pretty happy with my English level so far, but I must say I don't feel 100% ready to work fully in English.

For that reason, I decided to keep working on my English skills, but this time, I would focus on English for Digital Marketing world. This means I would like to be familiar with specific vocabulary and expressions related to this field, as well as being able to having/improving/developing the skills needed to manage work and clients in English.

As I said before, English has become a must, even if you don't work in an English speaking country, as the economy is becoming more and more international. In some point in the future, I would like to move to another country and being able to work in English is a huge advantage if I aim to have a job related to Digital Marketing.

What do I do to learn this specific kind of English? Well, first at all, I try to be exposed to Business English content. I truly believe consuming this kind of content - whether it's watching videos, listening to podcasts, or reading - is a fantastic way to get used to the vocabulary and eventually absorb all those words and phrases.

That said, something else I do and love is taking English lessons on Italki. I was lucky enough to find a teacher who also studied and works with Digital Marketing. This is great because she is familiar with all the terms I need to learn, plus we are able to have a proper conversation about these topics. This is really helpful because I can test my English skills with her while talking about businesses, marketing strategies, among other things.

One of my favourite activities we do together is working on case studies. What does this mean? Basically, we pretend we have a new client and need to come up with a Digital Marketing strategy for them. I love our lessons because they allow me to practise real world English and real situations, so I can boost my confidence in case I have to deal with these kinds of tasks at some point.

Hopefully, I will get to work in an English speaking environment soon. In the meanwhile, I can work to improve my English and confidence to be ready when that eventually happens.

Thank you for reading!