The great story of the keys

The great story of the keys


daily life

Hi everyone, I hope you're doing well. I want to talk about a daily life's problem : the key. I don't know if it's a problem for you , but for sure it's a problem for me.

Today we have so many keys: for the house, for the car, for the letter box, for our parent's house, for our parents-in-laws's house, for the work...

And it's my pet peeve ! I ALWAYS forget my bunch of keys everywhere , or worse I can loose it. I'm this kind of person who forget everything everywhere at anytime. I spend my time to look for them. And you know it's when you are in a hurry that you ready don't find them. Finally, in the last minutes, you find them in the weirdest place.

I need to buy a key box to put at the entrance of my house. That's all. I wanted to share you my daily life. And maybe some people are going to recognize themselves reading this text and laught under their screen.

Take care of yourself and have a good day.