NIce to meet you all!

NIce to meet you all!


language learning

Hello everyone! I'm new here and I think I have to introduce myself...I'm Italian and I live by the sea, I love the sea, I think I coudn't live far from it! I'm here because I found out a youtube video of Robin some days ago, I didn't know him but his way to learn new languages just captured me, it's an innovative approach I never used before, so here I am! I studied english and french at school but I continued to study alone only english: reading, watching you tube videos, listening to music, writing on my journal (with no one to correct me unfortunately) the problem is speaking, when I have to speak to someone I just can't find the words, my brain don't cooperate and it seem I'm terrified. Anyway, I'm here to see if I still remember the french after so many years and to start studying spanish, but there are so many languages I'd like to know! I just read some of your posts and I think you're a wonderful community I hope I can find some new friends here and help some of you in your italian progress. Now I go searching for a book to read, not too difficult so I can join your book club. That's all for now, I'm happy to have found you :)