Multilingual Book Club Round 04 - KICKOFF!

Multilingual Book Club Round 04 - KICKOFF!


multilingual book club 04

Hello Journalers! 🎈 I'm so excited that it's finally Day 01 of Round 04 of the Multilingual Book Club! This is our first Extensive Reading edition of the book club which I think is going to be such a great way to close out the year.

I'll be reading in Mandarin Chinese and I've got my three graded readers from Mandarin Companion and my Skritter decks all ready to go, and my activity & habit tracker is filled out and ready to come to life over the next three weeks with my splendid little colour-scheme that I decided on for this round! Here's a photo of how my tracking sheet looks:

I just posted a really fun kickoff video over on YouTube which you can find here, and I'll be sending out our first email shortly so I can finally join the fun and enjoy an evening of reading!

So let's get the party started and I'd love to hear from you: are you joining us this time around? What language are you participating with and what will you be reading? Do you have any particular goals you'd like to accomplish? And finally, are you going to be using my Activity & Habit Tracker? No pressure of course xD

Happy reading and happy journaling everyone!