Hopes and dreams

Hopes and dreams


language learning

I joined Journaly yesterday when I first heard about it. I hope it'll provide the same sense of community that Duolingo once did when there still was a way to interact with other users. Maybe I'll even find some of the old gang here! If not, I hope to find a new community with a similar positive atmosphere than what we had there.

Sadly I can't write blog posts on my phone as there seems to be a technical problem. (How do i report it?) This means I won't be writing posts in Russian or Korean, but as the site seems to be working on my laptop, I'll use it to write post in other languages. I think I'll mainly write in English and Swedish to get a some detailed feedback on how to improve on those. (So feel free to point out even the most minor things on this post, for example.)

I'm a bit intimidated by the amount of email the site generates, I hope there'll be a solution to that soon. But overall I'm eager to see what Journaly will bring into my life in 2021. I'm hoping for new friends and a lot of positive interactions with other language learners.