Nutritional Venting

Nutritional Venting



Well I'm going to take advantage of this beautiful platform and make a vent of my frustration, sorry guys for be part of this, but I would love to invitate you to this true and sad story.

I'm a nutrition student, I'm cursing my last year and I finally can do my internship (because of corona, I couldn't for months), and I'm working with a lot of patients everyday, sometimes I say "hello" and "bye" to some of them the same day. And when they have to leave the clinic (I don't know how the say this in english, but we have a word of this in spanish, we said "el alta" and is when the doctor said that he actually is ready to go after his/her hospitalization), anyway, in that moment, I have to "deliver a feeding guideline"(?), I mean, I have to give a paper with the things that the patients can eat and can't eat.

SO, this is the point when I feel sad about all of this. because so many of the pathologies that they have are, actually, because of the food that they intake in their daily life. And when I have to go with a piece of paper with information that they are going to read and maybe forgot at the minute, I feel so hopeless about my rol as a health worker. I mean just with a piece of paper I have to destroy an entire life of bad habits and psychological patterns. Is this fair? Is this enough??...I don't think! Of course, I try my best, believe me, in the poor minutes that I have to explain that piece of sheet, I give all of me.

And, don't get me wrong, I won't never get angry with my patients at all if they forget my indications. I just get frustrated because I realized that this is no about them, is about the social and economic environment (or in other words, the social determinants of health), the education and the misinformation of medias (television mostly). And yes, I see how people died for obesity, diabetes, hypertension, etc. And please tell me that someone (politician or a powerful person) want to help to sociaty in this point...Or is just us? Nutritionists?.... And I think "Ok, I studied this area, I know things that they don't, it's my mision to help them", but there is something deeper in all of this. People know that they don't have to eat too much sugar, or delivery food, or Backery products and they know that they need to work out, but why they don't do it? What is the line you need to cross for finally get the motivation to DO IT, and this question goes through every social and economic standar.

I really want to know, I really want to help people about this. If someone have...I don't know, a link for a motivational speech course or something like that, everything can work for me. But as a health worker I sometimes can feel kinda frustrating when I see how little people care or know about how to improve their health and this, at the same time, make me realize that how much important is my major and the nutrition science. This reallly make me feel in love of my degree because most of the diseases that my patients have are because they have bad food habits, and a good alimentation can really be a powerful tool to prevent so many illnes.

Anyway, if you read all of this, thank you so much. You have to know that at this point of the text I feel better and I could canalize (?) or transform all my frustration in words so, it's a relieve.

I want to ask too if the tittle that I wrote for this post is correctly used or not. Let me know.

And if you are interested in nutrition, let me know too, and we can talk a little bit more about it! I'm from Chile so I would love to know if exist my major in other countrys and that kind of stuff. Maybe someone can tell me about it!