Cursing First

Cursing First


daily life

This morning around 10 AM I walked to my workout place. It was raining since 8 AM. That was such a cold and quiet Sunday morning. I arrived at a T cross street. I saw a black MPV was stopping behind the white line, waited with lighted its left sign on. I understood this car would pass my crossing way. I push the traffic light button to force the cross light.

The cross light turn into white, so I was ready to cross the street. But I waited for a while, look at both side to make sure there is no other vehicle run to me. I saw a white car became closer in low speed and then stopped behind the white line. I stepped on the street, but when I was in half way, that black car suddenly run to me in high speed! It almost hit me!

I was very angry! I shout out ! I cursed that driver!

After I crossed and calmed my self, I just realized one thing: my first reaction was cursing. Why I didn't grateful that I saved..... If this happened to you, what will you first? Cursing or grateful?

Thanks for your responds, comments, and correction.