Challenging  but Rewarding Adventure

Challenging but Rewarding Adventure


daily life

Hi there,

How's going today?

Originally I'm not sure whether someone would correct my article or not, because I even don't know how to use this website.^^"

Luckily, a very friendly & considerate girl revised my article soon, she helps me to practice English more confidently. Maybe I should help the other foreigner and do the same thing too.

I try to google how to send "thanks recieve "on Jurnaly website.Unfortunately I didn't find any information about this, so I only klick on the heart-button as giving thanks....

If someone knows how to do , I love to hear your advise.

In order to make a list of things that scare me, I try to think about what I feel scare? what was my greatest frustration in the past time?The old times came back to me in dim procession.

List :

1.Take drive lesson and get a ride of my Dad( I know that almost people can do this ...orz)

2.Climb moutain for 50 days

3.Tell a story or introduce products in English/Japanese professionally (Especially in Public)

4.Post an article on Journaly every day

5.Not to drink sugar drinks for 50 days

6.Makes such mouth-watering home cooking and let my mom to taste( PS. My mom is strict chef )

7.Do Sea Kayaking at Lake Powell

**Are you ready to embark on a challenging but rewarding adventure?**

Hope you have a great adventure too :)