Turn over a new leaf

Turn over a new leaf


daily life

" Your life is your own, You mold it. You make it. All anyone can do it to point out ways and means which have been helpful to others. Perhaps they will serve as sugguestions to stimulate your own thinking until you know what it is that will fulfill you , will help you to find out what you want to do with your life" ----<ELEANOR ROOSEVELT>

I'm very lucky. I got marrage before thirty years old. Sometimes girls have a dream to meet their Soule Man or Prince before they turn 30 years old. My husband is a kindly, lovely person. If I haven't been together with my husband, I even don't know he is very popular with young girl or middle-aged women. I feel secure with him. He always considerate of my feelings and is always willing to listen to what I have to say. Because I have realized that if you truely honestly completely love someone, you would hope they will be happy and trust them.

But it's not enough for my life. Every time I saw my freind or my classmate to realize their dream or do their dream bussiness. I try to change something in my life or upgrade my bussinss skills.

" Do one thing every day that scares you " --Eleanor Roosevelt

I love this sentence when I read My Year With Eleanor.

Maybe I could start doing more thing that I feel scare.

I make a list which I wanna to do in these month.

1. Climb moutain for 50 days

=> In order to do regular excercise and be healthy. Maybe you would think it's easy for you , but it's very difficult to me. I 'm not good at endurance and keep doing somthing.

2. Post an article on Journaly in English Every day

=> Be honestly I know this website for a while, but I didn't have courage to post an article on Journaly before.

3. Tell a story or introuduce something in English ( Especially in Public)

=> I am a little shy and feel nervouse when I introduce something in public.

That's why i wanna add this item.

**Please do not expect me to do something Extreme Sports. I am as timid as rabbit**

I will fulfill this list next time.

" You need to avoid avoiding. Practice confronting your fears.

The more obstacles you overcome, the more empowered you feel,

and the more you want to overcome other obtacles-- Dr. Bob "

Fighting Free Guy!!