Finally I'm living in San Francisco

Finally I'm living in San Francisco


I'm living in San Francisco, CA. I found a lot of things are different here. One of the most interesting and challenging is driving. In Colombia pedestrians have to wait for cars. Here It seems it's the opposite. Drivers have to be really careful. Many bicycles and people cross on a red light. I'm practicing a lot. I hope in the future I can write a post here saying I'm cofident driving in this city :). Please cross your fingers for me.

In SF I see that many people here are Engineers. The majority of my friends that are working in companies like Google, Facebook, Instagram, Uber. Amazing! I'm happy to chat with them. I can practice English and I can learn a lot about opportunities that they have taken.

This city is great for spending time with your friends. There are many places to visit, walk, eat and play. I like to go on picnics because first it's not very expensive compared eating in a restaurant and second you can be in a park for a long time and play something. Yes, SF is so expensive. Sometimes I convert how much money I'm spending on lunch or dinner into Pesos Colombianos. It's crazy. I'm trying to stop doing that.

I would like to practice more with native speakers. I would like to start to read more books in English. I will see.