Transcription: Overhyped romances I want to read.

Transcription: Overhyped romances I want to read.



Hey! I'm Ana and I really appreciate, if you help me.

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From 0:00 to 2:07

"Hello, welcome back to my channel or if you're new here, welcome in fuck general. You know what I'm saying.

Today, I'm talking about overhyped books that I wanna read in 2021. I don't wanna talk about hun, I don't wanna talk about the hair. It's...It's doing our fuck thing today, ok? It's really humid, wake up this morning, was pissing down in rain, we're in the middle of summer and this is what it's happening. The hair strath knot isn't doing my hair justice, it's just my hair fucking frizz.

So, I command this tea on my laptop, I write down a lot, these are books that so many people talked about, people hyped this books so fucking much and I made my mission, my fucking mission this year to read them all and say what the fucking they are talking about.

So, the first book series I want to tackle this year is the Sinners of Saint series by L. J. Shen. So, this book series has four books actually, I actually already read Vicious. Pretty much all the books that I want to read this year are from L. J. Shen, just because she's a very very hyped out autor. Her books are very well know, a lot of people love them and most booktubers knew all of them talked about her books.

So, like I said I already read Vicious and to be honest it wasn't my favorite book, I enjoyed, but I just, I didn't click it like I clicked with others books and I actually think that it's not that good. So, I didn't continue on with the series, but so many of you have told me to continue on with it, so that is one of my goals this year. Ahn, so I definitely wanna read the rest of the series. What is it? I think it's like Ruckus, Scandalous and Bane, maybe, ahn, yeah.

Personally, I'm a little bit if going on L. J. Shen books, just because there is a lot of controversy, right now, ahn...but I don't know a lot about it and I don't usually support her, so I don't know, I don't know. I feel weird about reading her books, because I know she is, she is... You know in the hot sale, right know, but, ahn, I'm intrate to say what this hyped is all about."