愛跟錢: 分手怎麽那麽難
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愛跟錢: 分手怎麽那麽難


愛跟錢: 分手怎麽那麽難

比爾跟梅琳達蓋茲可能是今年申請離婚的最富的夫妻之一- 但是他們不是第一個想方設法怎麽拆分資產然後Covid后分道揚鑣。



被倫敦大學學院執行的調查報告在7 萬個參加者其中四分之一的說在Covid期間他們跟配偶或伴侶的關係變差了。

這可能只是冰山一角。 英國公民建議[Citizen Advice] 慈善機構報告網站的離婚區在2020年7月-2021年7月的期間有被訪問419,359次—— 比去年多14%。


Love and money: Why breaking-up is so hard to do

Bill and Melinda Gates may be among the wealthiest couples to file for divorce this year - but they aren't the only ones trying to figure out how to split their assets and go their separate ways after Covid.

Yet while they may not struggle to pay their legal bills, for many the financial cost of splitting-up can be a huge barrier.

In 2019, more than 100,000 UK couples got divorced - and since then, the pandemic has put many more relationships under tremendous strain.

A quarter of people say their relationship with their spouse or partner deteriorated during Covid, according to a recent survey of 70,000 participants by University College London.

This may be just the tip of the iceberg. UK charity Citizens Advice says the divorce section of its website was visited 419,359 times between July 2020 and July 2021 - 14% higher than the previous year.

Once lockdown restrictions eased, it also saw a spike in views of its divorce advice pages - in particular on how to pay for it.

Original source: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-58245247