Chinese (Simplified)






英國政府會跟其他國家合作而保證在第一年内把五千個阿富汗人幫助在英國居住。 然而,一些下議院議員批評這個計劃做的不夠。


政府承諾會在長期把多達兩萬個阿富汗的難民幫助居住在英國- 巴特爾女士說她要大多數的他們是婦女女孩還有遭到迫害的少數派。



I don't believe Taliban pledge on women's rights, Priti Patel says

Women and girls and persecuted minorities will make up the bulk of the Afghan refugees resettled in the UK, the home secretary has said.

While the Taliban said women's rights will be respected, Priti Patel told the BBC it was hard to believe "the PR operation that we're currently seeing".

The UK government will work with other nations and pledged to resettle 5,000 Afghans in the UK in the first year.

However, some MPs have criticised the scheme for not going far enough.

Thousands of Afghans have been trying to flee the country after the militants seized control of the capital Kabul.

The government has committed to resettling up to 20,000 Afghan refugees in the UK in the long term - and Ms Patel said she wanted the majority of those to be women and girls and persecuted minorities. The Taliban promised the rights of women in Afghanistan will be respected "within the framework of Islamic law".

Text source: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-58250211