My problems with grammar

My problems with grammar


language learning

I don't really remember when was the moment I started to understand English language, it happened naturally. Up to 8th grade I was sure, that I don't have any talent in languages and I'll be never able to understand anything. But the way I started to get a vocabulary was pretty funny; my friend constantly sent me memes in English, but I didn’t want to seem like I don’t understand them so every time I translated it.

At first I couldn't remember anything and had to translate same words many times, but some months later I realised that I understand everything. It was a miracle. When I was in 9th grade, I started to watch youtube videos in English mostly, it happened naturally too, so I also practiced listening every day.

I had English lessons at school, but it was useless because of the next reasons:

1. As I said, I thought that I was completely bad at languages, so I didn't pay any attention while lessons.

2. Our lessons at school consisted of practicing textbook tasks. Everyone knew the rules, but nobody could apply them in daily conversations.

Instead of working with textbooks I continued to watch videos, read posts, mangas and so on, so to the grade 11 I got level b2 for my toefl exam. Nowadays even though I can understand everything and talk with people, I have tons of grammar mistakes while writing and speaking because I speak and write intuitively.

I know that I have to start from the very beginning and work on my grammar, so that's what I'm trying to do now.

Thank you for reading!