My language journey

My language journey


language learning

Everything started when I had to learn English at school. I was 10 years old and I was fascinated. This was something completely new to me – new alphabet, new sounds, etc. I liked English very much then. However, unfortunately, in the high school we changed so many teachers that we stuck in the intermediate level. Nevertheless, in high school I started to learn my second foreign language – Spanish. Spanish quickly became my favourite language. I choose it because I liked how it sounds in latino music. I studied it for 4 years alongside English and then I heard for the first time European Portuguese from TV series. I liked it very much and I wished myself to learn it some day with Italian. Some years later, I continued with Spanish in the university but couldn’t reach advance level. Therefore, I had to do something because I gradually began to forget my Spanish and English. I started to watch TV series in English, to read articles and forums about language learning. This gave me the confidence that I could study on my own, without a teacher. I had a good foundation in English so I read everything in English. Later became good at watching TV channels like National Geographic and Animal Planet. I learned a lot from polyglot sites and forums. Therefore, in one moment I realized I had to use this information to better my Spanish. I tried various techniques – to take lessons, use flash cards, etc. I made my first plans how to study on my own, how to track my learning time, what technique was working for me. Then I decided that it was time to start learning Portuguese or Italian. I couldn’t find Portuguese teacher so I decided to start with Italian. I quickly realized how important my new knowledge of learning languages was. I understood that had to read more about my native language – that helped me to view some barriers and difficulties for me. I faced them in every language I started to learn. In addition, this helped me a lot with my last, so long waited, language – Portuguese. I decided to try to study it without a teacher in 2018. Now, I have to say that after Italian and Portuguese, my new learning language is Bulgarian. I understand that I have to better and maintain not only my foreign languages but my native language too. I am very happy with what I´ve done and want to continue with these languages. I developed some reading and listening skills so now is time to develop a writing one. I have to say that I tried it in 2020 but unsuccessfully. Writing is more than taking notes in one language.

I want to thank Robin for this fantastic place and for his tremendous efforts, he has put in. In addition, I want to thank all of you for the corrections and notes.
