It's time to move on

It's time to move on


daily life

Dear reader,

It's been a while I've been learning English.

If I count all my path, maybe 7 or 8 years.

Since I was a little girl trying to understand the lyrics of my favorite songs,


tv shows.

For years I've been in the intermediate level of this language.

It was good.

No pressure.

It was simple, easy, to stay in that position.

It's way too good to stay wherever you are. You don't have to push yourself to improve. You don't have to fail.

No one wants to fail.

Life doesn't give you that privilege.

But this year is a fresh start

It's time to move on.

A hundred bad days made a hundred good stories

100 Bad Days - AJR

It's time to make mistakes.

And I'm eager to do it.

I want to fail.

I want to be the worse at what I do best

Smells like Teen Spirit - Nirvana

I deserve that.

We all deserve that.

"I'm doing good, I'm on some new shit

Been saying yes instead of no"

The 1 - Taylor Swift

I'm trying new shit this year.

And it's okay if I don't stick with it.

I'll discover throughout the way.

My only fixed goal is to write a post in English every single day here, on Journaly.

365 posts,

thousands of mistakes.

I don't know about




It doesn't matter.

I'll let my life surprises me for now.

It's time to move on...

out of my comfort zone.

See you around,
