A crazy challenge: Finishing a big fat book in a language I barely speak in one month

A crazy challenge: Finishing a big fat book in a language I barely speak in one month


multilingual book club 02

Hello fellow Multilingual Book Club 02 members! I signed up for this challenge one day late, so I hope I´m officially in it... Haven´t gotten an email yet...

I´m reading a book in Norwegian. So, why do I write my first book club post in English? Well, because I barely speak Norwegian; never had one proper conversation in Norwegian and I want this "introductory post" to my reading adventure to be in a language I´m more or less able to express myself in.

And why did I chose a big fat book so much above my level? That´s the story:

Some years ago I read the autobiographical novel "My Struggle" from the norwegian author Karl Ove Knausgård in its spanish translation. The novel is divided into six books. I was completely hooked, and when I finished book 5, book 6 was not yet available in Spanish. I had studied some Norwegian and so I bought the norwegian ebook and started reading on my Kindle. The reading process was extremely slow and stopped eventually completely. The spanish translation came to Mexico where I live and I read the book in Spanish.

Spring 2021; years later: I discover the reading app LingQ and start using it at first for Japanese, my current main project of language learning, then add gradually other languages to my daily reading program because I enjoy it so much. At first, Norwegian was not one of those languages, but then I remembered that I´m still in the posession of a norwegian book of one of my favorite authors whose "My Struggle" I wanted to re-read one day either way, and I thougt: With LingQ it will be much more realistic to read it in the original language than it had been on my Kindle. And so it proved to be. I started to read, every day 15 minutes. At this pace I would have finished it in three or four months. That would have been ok, but then Robin came along with his Multilingual Book Club 02 😉 which inspired me to pick another goal and finish the book until the end of this month. The last three days I have been reading a lot more than before and have enjoyed it very much. When I don´t stop after 15 minutes I get sucked in into the story and want to read even more than the daily amount of text necessary to complete the challenge.

I want to write one post per week, and from the next post on I will write in Norwegian :)