Cover letter sample

Cover letter sample


I am excited to be applying for the opportunity to become a Chinese speaking game tester. After reviewing your job description, it is clear you are looking for a person who has a great command of both Chinese and English. Upon coming back to Poland after obtaining my MA's degree in Taiwan, I have been dreaming about working in an international environment where I could utilize my foreign language skills and cultural knowledge.

Since my early age, I have always been fascinated by foreign languages which led me to pursue my carrier in that field. I graduated from the University of Silesia where I majored in English Studies and Chinese and that was the time when my adventure with Chinese started. After completing my bachelor's degree, I applied for Taiwan Scholarship and I was honored to be chosen as one of the recipients. The above-mentioned scholarship allowed me to pursue my master's degree. Throughout the last five years I spent in Taiwan, I was given a lot of opportunities to advance both Chinese and English I also improved my Spanish which I had learnt on my own years earlier. While in Taiwan I worked in a multilingual and multicultural environment which instilled in me sensitivity to other cultures. I also took part in many volunteer activities which included speeches, presentations and international camps. I also worked as English teacher which made me constantly learn new things about the language. In addition, I am a huge Assassin's Creed fan for it was the first video game which plot fascinated me instantly. I believe that with the skill set I posses and the drive to obtain new skills and advance the ones I already have, I am a great candidate

I am deeply grateful for your time and attention in considering me for this position and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
