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어떻게 공부하세요?
요즘 저는 동화로 한국어를 배워요. 많은이야기를 읽지만 "동물의왕 여유" 좋아해요. 여우는호랑이를 속였어요. 호랑이가 갑자기 여우를무서워요. 그래서 여우는말해요"나동물의왕이야!"효랑이가 믿지않아요.그래서여우는 효랑이에게여우를따르라고말해요. 둥물들이 여우뒤의호랑이를 보고 달아나요.. 그래서 호랑이는 여우가 동물의 왕이 라고 믿어요.
speaks: English
learns: Korean
likes: art, language exchanges, video games, daily life, tv shows
Hi! I'm learning Korean. I'm a beginner level, but I hope to be able to watch K-dramas and movies without subtitles. I work as a programmer and I am an artist. I make animations and draw as well as other artsy things. I hope to be able to talk/write about my passions in Korean and to learn about yours!
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